The keywords of programming languages have specific meanings according to the tasks. A blank final variable can be initialized inside instance-initializer block or inside constructor. At that time we can add static modifier to that variable. The programmer should follow these syntaxes when writing programs.

Il modificatore final è molto semplice da comprendere in quanto le implementazioni possibili sono legate alla sua traduzione letterale: finale o … public / protected / private abstract static final transient volatile synchronized native strictfp Update: There is a new "Java Style Guidelines" initiative in place for projects in the OpenJDK community. Static variable: When the value of a variable is not varied, then it is a not good choice to go for instance variable. The static keyword is applicable to a nested static class, variables, methods and blocks. Key Differences Between Static and Final in Java. Each programming language has a specific syntax. If you have more than one constructor in your class then it must be initialized in all of them, otherwise compile time error will be thrown. This article discusses the difference between static and final in J… Final static variable in Java. Static variable can be initialized any time whereas, a final variable must be initialized at the time of declaration. A blank final static variable can be initialized inside static block . Whenever we declare variable as static, then at the class level a single variable is created which is shared with the objects. They are provided by the programming language and cannot be used for user-defined variables, methods, classes, etc. Prerequisite : static variables, final keyword. On the other hand, final keyword is applicable to class methods and variables. Il modificatore final. The static and final are two keywords in Java. It also has a recommendation for a modifier order and also includes the new default modifier of Java 8. Prima di analizzare l'ultimo concetto, le interfacce, è bene capire che effetto hanno i modificatori final e static nei vari contesti in cui sono inseriti.