For full coverage of the history of the Soviet Union, see the article Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The joke was extremely popular in the late 80's, fell out of vogue in the 90's, and has been given new life among various online communities. Only the original joke is good. In Soviet Russia memes (read description) - Duration: 3:06. Quin Skew 28,533 views. Although serfdom was abolished in 1861, it was done on terms unfavorable to the peasants and served to encourage revolutionaries. This essay discusses the rise of professional theatre by adults for children and youth in Soviet Russia from 1918 to 1939, the Interwar Years. Russia - Russia - Soviet Russia: The following is a general overview of the history of Russia during the period of Soviet domination. The February Revolution of 1917 was spontaneous, leaderless, and fueled by deep resentment over the economic and social conditions that had prevailed … Modern revolutionary activity in the Russian Empire began with the 1825 Decembrist revolt. In Soviet Russia, the Party can always find you! In LA, you can always find a party. Social unrest continued and was aggravated during World War Iby military defeat and food s… \"In Soviet Russia\" or \"the Russian Reversal\" is a type of joke created by stand-up comedian Yakov Smirnoff. A parliament—the State Duma—was established in 1906 after the Russian Revolution of 1905, but Tsar Nicholas II resisted attempts to move from absolute to a constitutional monarchy. A Russian reversal is a type of joke, usually starting with the words "In Soviet Russia", in which the subject and objects of a statement are reversed: "In America you to/with X, in Soviet Russia X to/with you." Sometimes the first part is omitted. 3:06.